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    行業英語 學英語,練聽力,上聽力課堂! 注冊 登錄
    > 行業英語 > 外貿英語 > 國際合同 >  第39篇






    ◆ 合同 contract

    ◆ 訂約人,承包人 contractor

    ◆ 合同價格 contract price

    ◆ 合同爭議 contractual dispute

    ◆ 撤銷合同 cancellation of contract

    ◆ 合同副本 copies of the contract

    ◆ 合同違約 breach of contract

    ◆ 標書,招投標 bid

    ◆ 招投標人 bidder

    ◆ 要約 offer

    ◆ 要約人 offeror

    ◆ 要約的撤銷 cancellation of offer

    ◆ 要約的效力 effect of offer

    ◆ 要約的消除 extinction of offer

    ◆ 反要約 counteroffer

    ◆ 交叉要約 cross offer

    ◆ 承諾 promise

    ◆ 承諾的延遲 delay of promise

    ◆ 承諾的撤回 withdraw of promise

    ◆ 締約上的過失 culpa in contract

    ◆ 同意 consent

    ◆ 標的 object

    ◆ 標的物 objective thing

    ◆ 標的物的風險 burden of object risk

    ◆ 定義條款 definition clause

    ◆ 陳述與保證 representations and warranties

    ◆ 合同各方 parties to the contract

    ◆ 具體權利義務條款 operative clause

    ◆ 合同期限 term

    ◆ 合同期限的延展 extension

    ◆ 保密義務 confidentiality

    ◆ 索賠 claim

    ◆ 違約救濟 remedies for breach of contract

    ◆ 責任限制 limitation on liability

    ◆ 不可抗力 Force Majeure

    ◆ 爭議的解決 settlement of disputes

    ◆ 友好協商 friendly consultation

    ◆ 裁決的執行 enforcement of award

    ◆ 適用法律 applicable law

    ◆ 其他規定 miscellaneous provision

    ◆ 修改 amendment

    ◆ 通知 notice

    ◆ 棄權 waiver

    ◆ 可轉讓性 assignability

    ◆ 可分割性 severability

    ◆ 語言 language

    ◆ 簽署 execution

    ◆ 價格 price

    ◆ 給付期 period of payment

    ◆ 合同的生效 validity of contract

    ◆ 合同履行地 place of performance of contract

    ◆ 合同的批準 ratification of contract

    ◆ 合同的終止 termination of contract

    ◆ 合同落空 failure of contract

    ◆ 合同廢除 rescission of contract

    ◆ 單方解除 unilateral cancellation

    ◆ 合同的單方解除 unilateral removal of contract

    ◆ 合同的法定解除 legal removal of contracts

    ◆ 合同的書面形式 written form of contract

    ◆ 口頭合同 oral contract

    ◆ 要式合同 formal contract

    ◆ 非要式合同 informal contract

    ◆ 實踐合同 real contract

    ◆ 諾成合同 consensual contract by promise

    ◆ 主合同 principle contract

    ◆ 附屬合同 accessory contract

    ◆ 標準合同 standard contract

    ◆ 預約合同 preliminary agreement

    ◆ 利他合同 altruistic contract

    ◆ 瑕疵 defect

    ◆ 物之瑕疵 defect of things

    ◆ 權利之瑕疵 defect of right

    ◆ 提單 bill of lading

    ◆ 工程量清單 bill of quantity

    ◆ 人身傷害 bodily injury

    ◆ 違背,破壞 breach

    ◆ 破產 bankruptcy

    ◆ 水準基點 bench mark

    ◆ 裁決 adjudication

    ◆ 裁判員 adjudicator

    ◆ 裁決委員會 adjudication board

    ◆ 變更 alteration

    ◆ 法律變更的調整 adjustments for changes in legislation

    ◆ 應付金額 amount due

    ◆ 可適用的 applicable

    ◆ 預付款 advance payment

    ◆ 附錄 appendix

    ◆ 仲裁 arbitration

    ◆ 授權代表 authorized representative

    ◆ 分配,指派 assignment

    ◆ 由于 attributable to

    ◆ 接受 acceptance

    ◆ 中標 acceptance of bid

    ◆ 代理 agency

    ◆ 審查,審計 audit

    ◆ 賬戶,賬目 account

    ◆ 訴訟 action

    ◆ 上訴 appeal to

    ◆ 從某日起 on and after

    ◆ 某日之前,提前多少日 prior to

    ◆ 不損害某規定,某情況下 without prejudice to

    ◆ 因為 in consideration of

    ◆ 至于,在某方面 in respect of


    ◆ 即使 notwithstanding

    ◆ 商品價目表 price list of commodity

    ◆ 商品標價陳列 display of commodity price

    ◆ 商品分類表 class of goods

    ◆ 定金 deposit

    ◆ 違約金 liquidated damages

    ◆ 法定違約金 liquidated damages by law

    ◆ 約定違約金 liquidated damages by agreement

    ◆ 債權人 creditor

    ◆ 債務人 debtor

    ◆ 不當履行 misfeasance

    ◆ 抵消 setoff

    ◆ 合伙 partnership

    ◆ 合伙人 partner

    ◆ 合伙協議 partnership agreement

    ◆ 入伙 join partnership

    ◆ 退伙 withdrawal from partnership

    ◆ 法人 legal person

    ◆ 企業法人 legal body of enterprise

    ◆ 中外合資企業 Sino-foreign joint venture enterprise

    ◆ 中外合作企業 Sino-foreign contractual enterprise

    ◆ 承租人 lessee

    ◆ 租賃人 lessor

    ◆ 贈與人 donator

    ◆ 承運人 carrier

    ◆ 委托人 principal

    ◆ 代理人 agent

    ◆ 副本,抄本 transcript

    ◆ 賣主 vendor

    ◆ 停業 wind up a business

    ◆ 母公司 parent company

    ◆ 子公司 subsidiary

    ◆ 代位權 subrogation

    ◆ 買賣合同 sale contract

    ◆ 電、水、氣、熱力供應合同 contracts for supply of power, water, gas and heat

    ◆ 贈與合同 gift contract

    ◆ 借款合同 contract for loan of money

    ◆ 租賃合同 leasing contract

    ◆ 融資租賃合同 financial leasing contract

    ◆ 承攬合同 work-for-hire contract

    ◆ 建設工程合同 contract for construction projects

    ◆ 運輸合同 carriage contract

    ◆ 技術合同 technology contract

    ◆ 保管合同 safe-keeping contract

    ◆ 倉儲合同 warehousing contract

    ◆ 委托代理合同 agency appointment contract

    ◆ 委托合同 trading trust contract

    ◆ 行紀合同和居間合同 brokerage contract

    ◆ 勞動合同 labour contract

    ◆ 保密協議 confidentiality agreement

    ◆ 竟業禁止協議 non-compete agreement

    ◆ 人事代理協議 human agency agreement

    ◆ 遺贈撫養協議 legacy-support agreement

    ◆ 離婚協議 divorce agreement

    ◆ 收養協議 adoption agreement

    ◆ 商品房買賣合同 contract of sale for commodity house

    ◆ 土地使用權出讓、出租、轉讓合同 contract for assignment, lease and transfer of the right to the use of land

    ◆ 抵押合同 mortgage contract

    ◆ 貸款合同 loan contract

    ◆ 物業管理合同 property management contract

    ◆ 建筑工程建設安裝承包合同 construction engineering and installation contract

    ◆ 采購合同 purchase contract

    ◆ 運輸合同 carriage/transportation/forwarding contract

    ◆ 進出口合同 import and export contract

    ◆ 補償貿易合同 contract for compensation trade

    ◆ 供應合同 supply agreement

    ◆ 技術服務合同 technical service contract

    ◆ 技術咨詢協議 technical consulting agreement

    ◆ 技術開發協議 technical development agreement

    ◆ 技術轉讓協議 technical transfer agreement

    ◆ 許可協議 licensing agreement

    ◆ 保險合同 insurance contract

    ◆ 委托付款協議 escrow agreement

    ◆ 保證金協議 deposit agreement

    ◆ 服務合同 service agreement

    ◆ 風險投資管理協議 venture capital management agreement

    ◆ 合伙協議 partnership agreement

    ◆ 股權轉讓協議 share transfer agreement/Agreement on assignment of equity interests

    ◆ 和解協議 composition agreement

    ◆ 法律顧問協議 employment contract for legal consultant

    ◆ 合資企業合同 joint venture contract

    ◆ 公司設立備忘錄 memorandum of incorporation

    ◆ 備忘錄(合作備忘錄)memorandum

    ◆ 公司設立協議 articles for incorporation

    ◆ 公司設立章程 articles of association

    ◆ 意向書 letter of intent

    ◆ 意向性協議,框架性協議 heads of agreement

    ◆ 初步協議 preliminary agreement

    ◆ 加工合同 contract of processing

    ◆ 定做合同 work contract

    ◆ 農業承包經營合同 agriculture contracting contract

    ◆ 綜合性承包合同 comprehensive contracting contract

    ◆ 企業承包經營合同 enterprise contracting management contract

    ◆ 抵押貸款合同 contract of mortgage loan

    ◆ 商品房貸款合同 marketable building loan contract

    ◆ 商業貸款合同 commercial loan contract

    ◆ 建設工程勘察設計合同 contract for prospecting and design of construction project

    ◆ 招標合同 inviting bids

    ◆ 供給服務合同 supplies service contract

    ◆ 委托合同 trust contract

    ◆ 航空貨物運輸保險 air transportation cargo insurance

    ◆ 聯運合同 contract of through transportation


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